Mesotherapy, both facial and corporal, is a medical technique that consists of the introduction of different active substances (such as vitamins, DNA precursors, coenzymes, etc.) in very superficial layers of the skin in order to correct the signs of photoaging or aesthetic pathologies that affect the dermis.
Mesotherapy treatments are minimally invasive, do not require preparation and allow rapid incorporation into daily life. The technique consists of the inoculation of a customized cocktail, by means of multiple injections or with the cannula fanning technique.
The treatment is fast, ambulatory and painless,in which a special anesthetic cream is previously applied, for the comfort of the patients. It is advisable to carry out the first 4 sessions every week (one session per week), from the fifth to the eighth week every 2 and, subsequently, to carry out a monthly session.
In facial mesotherapy, active ingredients that act on the skin, which are aimed at rejuvenation, depigmentation, flaccidity or hydration, are usually used. These restore luminosity to the face, reduce expression lines and correct small wrinkles. In this way, the face, neck and décolleté acquire elasticity and firmness, showing a fresher appearance.
In corporal mesotherapy, the active ingredients used are more oriented towards acting on accumulations of fat, drainage of retained liquids and skin flaccidity.The same active ingredients of facial mesotherapy can even be used to treat photoaging of the hands.
In general, the main objective of this type of mesotherapy is to improve the body shape, frequently due to poor blood circulation that triggers fluid retention and results in the appearance of the well-known orange peel. These active ingredients applied to specific areas of the body, such as the thighs, reduce the accumulation of localized fat, reduce cellulite and orange peel skin, and improve flaccidity.
In facial mesotherapy, active ingredients that act on the skin, which are aimed at rejuvenation, depigmentation, flaccidity or hydration, are usually used. These restore luminosity to the face, reduce expression lines and correct small wrinkles. In this way, the face, neck and décolleté acquire elasticity and firmness, showing a fresher appearance.
In corporal mesotherapy, the active ingredients used are more oriented towards acting on accumulations of fat, drainage of retained liquids and skin flaccidity.The same active ingredients of facial mesotherapy can even be used to treat photoaging of the hands.
In general, the main objective of this type of mesotherapy is to improve the body shape, frequently due to poor blood circulation that triggers fluid retention and results in the appearance of the well-known orange peel. These active ingredients applied to specific areas of the body, such as the thighs, reduce the accumulation of localized fat, reduce cellulite and orange peel skin, and improve flaccidity.

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The trust of our patients extends to the post-operative period, when they allow us to share their before and after so that other people can see our work. The only retouching of these images is that of tattoo ink and skin moles, erased to protect the privacy of our patients.
A combination of vitamins, hyaluronic acid, antioxidants, coenzymes, DNA precursors such as nucleic acids, amino acids… which are injected.
It is recommended to carry out four sessions, with intervals of one week between one treatment and another (one per week). Next, and according to the specific needs of each case, a session will be held every two weeks or every month to maintain the results.
Mesotherapy is suitable for both young skin and mature skin. In young skin (around 30 years old) it is indicated to prevent wrinkles by rehydrating the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. On the other hand, the treatment applied to mature skin provides smoothness and firmness while repairing and providing hydration, which fills in wrinkles, among other effects.
Yes, the results are seen from the first session and they improve as we do more sessions. In the short and medium term, deep hydration, an improvement in skin quality, greater luminosity and elasticity can be seen in a visible and lasting way. The treatment also causes more turgidity and firmness, together with a thickening of the skin, as well as a decrease in roughness and micro-relief, thus achieving a smoother and more uniform texture.
One of the advantages of mesotherapy treatment, compared to others, is the immediate incorporation into the daily routine. What’s more, in hours the patient can lead a normal life, since rest is not required in the post-op period. Although there may be slight inflammation, the punctures are practically imperceptible after a few minutes.
No, an anesthetic cream is previously applied and it is performed under local anesthesia, depending on the technique used, such as the multi-puncture or fan-cannula technique, which makes the treatment practically painless. However, when adding lipolytic substances, such as urodeoxycholic acid, slight discomfort and a stinging sensation may be noted that may last for a few hours.
The side effects of mesotherapy are almost non-existent. What can usually be seen are possible bruises, erythema or edema, which disappear in a few days. However, in the case of allergic patients, easily treatable skin or systemic manifestations may occur. Trusting an experienced professional reduces the risk of side effects.
Any time of the year is suitable to take care of your skin. However, in summer the skin is usually punished more by the sun, which is reflected in roughness, lack of hydration and elasticity or the appearance of spots. For this reason, the autumn and winter months are ideal for treatments focused on improving our skin.
Mesotherapy is an outpatient treatment that does not require surgery, does not pose risks due to general anesthesia, there are no scars or pain, and it involves minimal recovery time. Compared to liposuction, mesotherapy is less invasive but not as effective in removing large fat deposits. With all this, it is advisable to combine the two techniques, medical and surgical, to obtain better results.